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What payment methods do you accept?

We only accept VISA and MASTERCARD as payment methods. If you have payment issues during checkout, please reach out to us at info@feriandjoon.com

How can I check the status of my order?

You can always reach out to us at info@feriandjoon.com to inquire about the status of your order. It usually takes us 7-10 business days to get it shipped or ready for pickup.

Can I just buy the print unframed?

We do not sell the prints unframed. All our products come fully framed.

How can I change my order?

We will be happy to change your order details, if we have not already processed your order. Please reach out to us with your order number, as soon as possible, to let us know of the changes. In the event of confirmed changes, we will need additional processing time to get your order ready. Once your final item(s) has been produced, we will not be able to edit or change your order. You will still be fully charged for the order and no refunds will be issued.

What is your order processing lead time?

Orders will be processed within 7-10 business days. You will receive a pickup notification or a shipping notification with tracking number, from our info@feriandjoon.com email address.