Comfy Chair
Having a comfy able chair in front of your desk won’t just help your back, it will also give your neck better support. People often neglect proper back support, which can lead to all sorts of issues down the line, so make sure to get an ergonomic chair.
Adjustable Desk or Computer
Standing desks are all the rage right now, but having a simple adjustable computer screen or stand for your laptop can really affect your posture. You can get a reasonably priced laptop stand off amazon or any number of online retailers, look for one with holes/slats to make sure that your laptop doesn’t overheat.
Did you think I wouldn't take some time to talk about how art can affect your mood? Having a beautiful framed art print beside you can really inspire you, or simply create a more cohesive look to the space. Choose a poster or print that is neutral and calming, I recommend going for a neutral abstract or landscape, but a fun matisse print could also be a great choice.
Good Light
If you’re not blessed with huge windows in your home office, try to add a standing lamp or desk lamp to bring more light into your home office. It’s been proven that people are happier when their in brighter lit rooms.